i’m ash —

i’m a photographer, creator, advocate, poet, list-maker, and adventurer —

growing up in rural Indiana, my first photographs were attempts to capture the way sunlight danced through leaves, the way my little brothers looked messy + happy, and the soft, quiet moments I found so beautiful

and today, my photographs aim to capture the same little moments — striking + beautiful lighting, playful poses, rich color, and the details that make up every individual in front of my camera

i’m a type 1w2 enneagram, infj, capricorn, and oldest daughter of four. i live with my insanely creative boyfriend and our two kitties, bean + olive, while we both study architecture. some favorites in no particular order are — rainy days, fries, road-tripping, the smell of grass + wildflowers under the summer sun, dead poets society, house plants, brick buildings, into the wild, the energy during storms, slow mornings, homemade cold brew + cedar-scented candles

i can’t wait to meet you, make magic + become friends —